Have a look at what patients are saying about Morter HealthCenter...
“I started seeing Dr. Scott Cooper for treatment of tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, and for pain at the base of my neck. The pain in my neck went away in a short time. My Meniere’s was gone after a few months. We are still working on the tinnitus and making progress.
Dr. Cooper has been a great teacher and doctor in helping me to reach my potential for better health. He has helped me not only with my complaint symptoms, but with my overall health. I have gradually incorporated the six essentials into my lifestyle, and upon his recommendation, I have also done a detoxification. I have changed my eating habits by increasing my alkaline ash foods and decreasing my acid ash foods. Changing my eating habits has helped me lose weight and increase my energy level to where I can exercise daily, including jogging.
Other benefits I have noticed from the six essentials, detox, and treatments include sleeping improvement, a better immune system, and learning better ways to handle stress.”
“My first reaction from my husband after a few months of treatment was... ‘Why are you being so nice to me?’”
-Paula P., Indianapolis
“I love Dr. Scott Cooper. He has helped me tremendously. When I first came to Morter HealthCenter, I was in severe pain and had numbness in my legs. Some mornings it was difficult to get out of bed. Since then, most days I am pain free. Dr. Cooper cares deeply about his patients and their complete health, not just one part of the body. He is a wonderful doctor of chiropractic medicine as well as a great person. I would recommend his treatment to anyone - and have many times. Thanks.”
“Several years ago I was experiencing anxiety, panic, and depression. I saw several doctors who all wanted to prescribe medications for my symptoms. This was not a solution for me. I didn’t just want to ‘feel’ better; I wanted to be better. I believe that the medications used to treat those disorders would numb me from feeling the world. I wanted a solution with long-term effects, drug-free and would ensure me that everyday I could stop and smell the roses. Through my searching, a friend of mine recommend I visit Dr. Scott Cooper at Morter HealthCenter.
Through my treatments with Dr. Cooper, I accomplished what I believed for a while to be the impossible. In the beginning, we aggressively attacked the problem that got me over the hump. Since then, Dr. Cooper has taught me how to be in touch with myself, recognizing early signs of anxiety and depression, and managing my own wellness. My treatments with Dr. Cooper are always insightful and fulfilling.
I am now on a regular maintenance program with Dr. Cooper. He helps me to keep in balance and in good mental as well as physical health. I highly recommend his services to anyone who has ever experienced anything like I have in the past. I would eve say, just as a good overall eminence for your mind and body...do it!”
“Dr. Scott Cooper is very in touch with the body and mind connection. His clinical knowledge along with his practical intuition allow for optimal results within each session. His caring and sharing attitude just makes the experience more enjoyable.”
-Scott S., Indianapolis
“I have been a patient of Dr. Scott Cooper for several years. My health has improved greatly. Better yet my thought process and eating habits have changed. My life has more meaning each week. I have learned that embracing truth, caring and loving makes life’s problems a lot less. I wish everyone could experience the changes on themselves as Dr. Cooper has shown me. My health improves each week with Dr. Cooper balancing me. Our entire family has benefited so much from Dr. Cooper.”
Do you have a testimonial you would like featured on our website? Please contact us to let us know and we would love to add you to our growing list of happy patients.